HOME Biosafety Inspections


First-time registrants

First-time registrants are contacted by the IBC Coordinator to schedule a laboratory inspection. This inspection includes: evaluation of appropriate work practices and containment, signs and labeling, an acceptable Biosafety Manual, and other factors.

Laboratories will generally be re-inspected annually (once every three years for certain lower risk agents and materials).

Here is a checklist of items that will be evaluated during the lab visit.

Work with certain materials and agents at Biosafety Level 2 (BSL-2) have a wide range of risk, some of higher hazard than others. In general, BSL-2 laboratories will be inspected on an annual basis. However, work with certain agents (i.e., those that may pose a lower risk or hazard) may require less frequent inspection and will be visited every 3 years.

Principal Investigators already approved by the IBC

Principal Investigators already approved by the IBC, who may be adding new agents or materials or laboratory spaces should update their IAR when changes occur. Addition of rooms/spaces or agents require an inspection by EHS Biosafety.

To schedule an inspection, contact Vernell Hensley at [email protected] or 434-982-4920.

Preparation for Inspections

Prior to scheduling the lab inspection, the Principal Investigator is informed of the expectations and the resources that are available to assist them in achieving compliance.

NOTE: The IBC inspection is different from other EHS lab visits conducted by EHS Chemical and/or Radiation Safety.

Resources for Inspections

The IBC inspection checklist is aligned with requirements for Biosafety Level 2 labs as described in Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL), the NIH recombinant DNA guidelines and UVA policies. The inspection team will provide recommendations detailed information regarding BSL-2 requirements, UVA policies, disinfectants, waste disposal procedures, class schedules, sources for supplies, etc.

Inspection Process

The inspection team utilizes document review, observation, and interactive dialog with the Principle Investigator and laboratories present. All team members are encouraged to participate with questions or comments. Biosafety Office personnel will usually guide the inspection process utilizing the inspection checklist as a road map. The inspection begins with a review of the lab biosafety manual and concludes with a review of any observed deficiencies. The Inspection Team should be clear regarding what corrections are required verses changes that are recommended.

Inspection Follow Up

IBC Coordinator, Paul Skoglund, or the EHS Biosafety Office sends the Principal Investigator and lab contact person an email listing the deficiencies found and resources to aid in correction. Upon completion of the corrections, the Principal Investigator and/or lab contact person emails EHS Biosafety. Personnel from EHS Biosafety may revisit the lab to ensure compliance and answer any additional questions. Upon successful completion of all outstanding items, the IBC lab inspection date will be updated in the database.

Service Satisfaction Survey
Please complete this brief survey and give us your opinion about the services Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) has provided to you. All completed surveys are sent to the Director of EHS.