Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC)

The Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) is a standing committee and is responsible for reviewing all University research and teaching activities conducted by faculty, staff, students and/or visiting scientists on University property that involve the use of biological agents. Biological agents are defined as microorganisms, Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules experiments as defined by NIH Guidelines, materials derived from human and non-human primates, or biological toxins.

IBC Charge - pdf


The mission of the IBC is to ensure that all activities involving biological agents and the facilities used to conduct such work are in compliance with all external regulations, and applicable University policies.

The committee will function to ensure that investigators handle biological agents in a safe and responsible manner, and meet criteria as described by the NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules; the CDC/NIH publication Biosafety in the Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories; applicable regulations defined by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality; the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard; HHS and USDA final rules for the possession, use, and transfer of select agents and toxins; and other applicable requirements. Foremost, the IBC's objective shall be to ensure that such activities meet the standards of good biological safety practice emphasizing protection of personnel, the public and the environment.

The IBC shall assist principal investigators and protocol directors in meeting their responsibilities; impose requirements; and review and approve policies, proposals, procedures, programs, and facilities pursuant to the safe and legally compliant use of biological agents.

IBC Meeting Schedule

If you would like to attend a meeting, please contact Paul Skoglund at [email protected] or 434-243-0726, by the date the Registration Documents are due.

Note: All meetings are held on the first Tuesday except moved back two days to Thursday in January 2024 (to avoid the meeting being first thing after break) and November (to avoid the UVA Election Day holiday on the first Tuesday).

Date of IBC Meeting Date Registration (IAR) Documents are due
January 4th, 2024 (Thursday) December 18th, 2023
February 6th, 2024 January 24th, 2024
March 5th, 2024 February 21st, 2024
April 2nd, 2024 March 22nd, 2024
May 7th, 2024 April 24th, 2024
June 4th, 2024 May 22nd, 2024
July 2nd, 2024 June 18th, 2024
August 6th, 2024 July 24th, 2024
September 3rd, 2024 August 21st, 2024
October 1st, 2024 September 18th, 2024
November 7th, 2024 (Thursday) October 23rd, 2024
December 3rd, 2024 November 19th, 2024
January 7th, 2025 December 17th, 2024

IBC Members

Prof. Glynis L. Kolling
IBC Chair
Research Associate Professor
Department of Biomedical Engineering

Stacy Agar
IBC Member
Community Member

Prof. Matthew Crawford
IBC Member
Research Assistant Professor
Department of Infectious Disease

Marie Burdick
IBC Member
Principal Scientist
Department of Medicine, Pulmonary and Critical Care

Sam Driver
IBC Member
Community Member

Jennifer Kershner
UVA Biosafety Officer
Alternate Responsible Official (Select Agents)

Tom Leonard
IBC Member
Responsible Official (Select Agents)
Director - Environmental Health & Safety

Raphael Malbrue
IBC Member
Director - Center for Comparative Medicine

Prof. Aaron L. Mills
IBC Member
Department of Environmental Sciences

Prof. Brett Moreau
IBC Member
Research Assistant Professor
Department of Infectious Disease

Prof. Ira Schulman
IBC Member
Associate Professor
Department of Pharmacology

Paul Skoglund
IBC Coordinator

Service Satisfaction Survey
Please complete this brief survey and give us your opinion about the services Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) has provided to you. All completed surveys are sent to the Director of EHS.